A Future Together
Why T.V. Film and media are important
Following a horrendous era of propaganda, indoctrination and the worst excesses of mind control in the delivery of television, film and media, these outlets used with integrity, education and creative entertainment can come into their own.
The only agenda will be to encourage the evolution of the human spirit, the true portrayal of our ancient history and the transparently true dispersal of fact and truth.
With so many talented film makers, musicians, TV productions and media professionals, so far inhibited and banned from sharing their inspiration and educational skills, we merely begin the process of reintroducing creativity as it can and will become.
By setting up and offering specific facilities for TV, film and media production, sharing these among other sovereign communities, creating networks of similar focus, the dissemination of critical, uplifting and inspiring content becomes the norm. The present outlets of all that is worst within these sectors, will be held to account for their part in the fraud , disinformation and criminal aiding the tyranny, in the same way as we shall be holding to account the main criminals presently involved. Their infrastructure, as well as all personnel who resonate with this new focus will be welcomed into UCT and SCTs.
In the same way as the process of Notices of Conditional Acceptance are releasing millions from fraudulent mortgages and other injuries committed on sovereign individuals, so the new financial bridge system facilitating all needed to create the new ways will be able to meet needs, suitable projects and land purchase, through the UCT currencies, by way of commercial liens and promissory notes delivered into the UCT Treasury.
This part of what Albion Sovereign Community Trust envisions as developing forward, is in process...
It is always possible to change existing forms and ways of being, where they are shown to be detrimental. Like all things in life, there are equal and opposite ways to implement anything. We call it reverse engineering, when applied to changing harmful and inappropriate implementations. By developing the equal and opposite of anything harmful or against human best interest, the best is enabled. When this outcomes ways and means in improving the human condition, then intention, implementation of right practice and right action makes everything possible.